On July 20th, 1969 my family was in Taos, NM visiting my mother's brother and his family. This photo was taken during this visit. My sister Lavonne is sitting on her new husband's (Kit) lap, my mother is next, me (age 12) and my father. My sister Vicki is sitting on the floor. The was the home of my Uncle Ted and Aunt Peggy and my three wonderful cousins, Kenna, Kerrie and Teddie Lu (Not 100% sure Teddie had been born yet). I seem to believe that my grandparents were there also. It was moon landing day and everyone was huddled around the one television in the living room. It seemed to be taking forever and my cousins and I played and ran in and out of the house.
My mom scolded us and said we should sit down and watch this historic event and my dad laughed and said, "Oh hell, man's been walking on the moon since they were young." That's confused me back then but now 40 years later I can see the humor in what he said.
This same day my father took my mother to a gallery to purchase a painting she had admired. I am lucky enough to be the current owner of that painting. I thought I'd share it with you as my way of celebrating this incredible anniversary.

"In The Swamp" 8x10 inch oil by Thomas Lewis
I was at the beach getting a sun/heat stroke and then back to my boyfriend (now husband) house to lie on the bed and puke into a bucket for hours while hearing about the moon landing. Memorable day for sure, and I couldn't quite appreciate it at the time...ha.
fun seeing your family photo.
I was waitressing at La Fiesta Cafe that night. I remember business was kinda slow and we were able to watch the moon landing on the tv by the cash register. My older brother was awestruck...oddly I don't remember feeling terribly impressed at the time. Callow youth...
Arch's sis
Sandy - what a horrible way to spend the day. Andrew got heat stroke once at a Cub Scout Jamboree. He never could tolorate the heat after that -
V - I think we were all too young to appreciate the event. But I do remember being in either 1st or
2nd grade and the teacher telling us that we would never go to the moon because it was to far away and would take too long.
Of course I also remember when computers where the size of closet and the thought of having one in your house was a fantasy...
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