Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Something while you wait..


Please be patient with me. I've been working a lot of hours and on top of that I'm not feeling 100% these days. I spent Thanksgiving wired to a heart monitor. I haven't gotten the results of that 24 hour monitor yet but I really think that I was just totally overwhelmed with sadness. For some odd reason Thanksgiving is harder on me than Christmas.

But soon I'll be rested up and I'll post a nice long story about something ridicules. Until then I'm put up a wonderful song by Crosby, Stills and Nash called "Wasted on the Way". So relevant these days....


sandy said...

I really hope you are feeling better. I can't imagine how you deal with these holidays, as it's still so soon.. Wishing you a peaceful, calm, loving December...

I hope it flies by and January brings new energy and goals...

and don't work so darn hard.

Cara said...

Thank you Sandy - its like just putting one foot in front of the other...