Monday, March 16, 2009

Graduation Night 1974

I always liked being with the boys. Always! Speaking strictly from my perspective I always liked sitting with, and hanging out with guys. Now that I'm older and wiser I realize why the guys had me around but that's beside the point. I liked being one of the guys whether they saw me that way or not.
Maybe it was because I had no brothers of my own. Maybe it was because I was such a late bloomer (translation: Flat chest and goofy glasses) and none of the guys took me serious until I well after my friends were all dating. I don't know and I don't care - I loved these guys - all of them.

Left to right: Mannie Maestas, Carlos "Garduno" Padilla, me, James Dodge (I was always with Dodge back then) Paul Yearly, Richard "Lib" Montano, Andy Urban and James "Beak" Quintana.


SILVER said...

my dear, i simply enjoy your humour!

:) Silver

sandy said...

What's funny is that I was always more comfortable with the guys than the girls. I was just more guy like back in the day, although I definitely was girly too.

I enjoyed seeing the photo.

Cara said...

Thank you Silver - I enjoyed your blogs also. Love your name -

Cara said...

Sandy - its cracks me up how much we mirror each other -

Janelle Goodwin said...

Hi Cara, I so enjoy your blog. It makes my day!

Cara said...

Thanks Janelle -

Anonymous said...

Cara you should write about our Sr. trip. I think we were the first class that went out of state. I wonder if half these guys were still drunk. lol
love you

Cara said...

Great idea Glenda - I have some great pictures I can post and yes, I think some of the guys may still have booze in thier blood from that trip - sometimes (as an adult)I have been scared at how M.L. could have died from alcohol poisoning.